Vermont Olympian Sophie Caldwell talks growth of cross-country skiing, appearance in Warren Miller film

All work and no powder makes Mike a dull boy. All work and no powder makes Mike a dull boy.

Here's snow season!

Welcome back, everyone, to Season 2 of the Powder Report.

It's been a long, grueling and occasionally spoice-less offseason, but with Killington sporadically opening recently and ski sales happening across the Berkshires, it's about time to melt off that storage wax and hit the slopes.

Make some room next to the golf clubs and take inventory of your equipment needs — those Gorilla Glue-fashioned boots may need replacing — because opening day is around the corner.

Since we New England-bound folks are still in the preparation stages of the winter season, I had the opportunity to chat with a former local who spent part of her summer training in New Zealand with the U.S. cross-country ski team ahead of their World Cup season.

Sophie Caldwell is a native of Peru, Vt., who can be seen in our area's true powder-season kickoff event: Warren Miller's Face of Winter showing at the Colonial Theatre on Thursday.

This column can be read in its entirety on The Berkshire Eagle website, or reach out to me for a complete copy.