As I drive the 90 minutes south from Mount Snow on a Friday afternoon — contact lenses practically fused to my pupils, sucking on the remnant grounds of the morning's coffee and housing the one dud clementine from a baggie of Halos — I'm curious about just one thing: When is the next powder day coming?
More realistically, I'm just rehashing the epic Founders Day at Mount Snow. I met up with a friend from college who is an advanced skier, and we took the day to sacrifice ourselves to the gods of Southern Vermont powder. Founders Day there is hands-down the best deal you'll find in New England all winter. A top 20 vertical drop (1,700 feet) with top 10 skiable acreage (600) in the region, and all for $14 on a — bless you, Pope Gregory XIII — week day. As my bargain-hunting grandmother always says, "How can you go wrong?"
Well, Grammy, you can't.
However, I will recommend diversifying your shred group for days like this. Caela and I hopped into the lift line around 10:30 a.m. and finished our last run around 3:45 p.m. In between was around 15 runs with no water, snack or bathroom breaks. The terrain was so good and so craved, as that shredmama Dory once sang, "just keep shredding, just keep shredding."
Though now the cravings have shifted to an ice bath, so as always, Mother Nature wins and it's never a bad idea to have someone there to suggest a lodge visit now and then.
Anyway, on to the column.
Since we're bi-weekly here at the Powder Report headquarters, we missed out on relaying opening day stories at Ski Butternut down in Great Barrington last weekend.
This column can be read in its entirety on The Berkshire Eagle website, or reach out to me directly for a complete copy.