White powder brings excitement, plain and simple.
We're not talking Henry Hill here, though, we're talking that nice 8-10 inch blanketing Old Man Winter delivered towards the end of a rainy, dreary week.
Can you feel it?
Everyone I've spoken to this week is psyched, aside from the wife who bit it on the front stoop of our new house before throwing down enough rocksalt to dry up the freshly-dug reservoir atop Jiminy Peak.
The Nordic coaches who spoke with our new sports department member Jake Mendel this week were ecstatic to get their skiers on snow this early in the preseason.
The Taconic alpine team members fundraising outside Guido's, a Patrick Mahomes' stone's throw from where they'll compete this winter at Bousquet were amped.
All the folks I shared chairlift rides with at Jiminy on Friday sported giant smiles under their multiclavas and goggles.
I spent much of the week tracking down sources and writing a backcountry skiing story for UpCountry magazine, which you'll get an excerpt of shortly. I pulled up to Berkshire Outfitters to chat with Josh Chittenden during the early part of the week's snowfall. I spun around in it after closing my car door and was greeted by a wise-looking white husky named Schyler, who was just about as happy as any dog I've seen in the snow this side of Bousquet's samoyed Nico.
This column can be read in its entirety on The Berkshire Eagle website, or reach out to me directly for a complete copy.